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Signs and Symptoms of Liver Failure
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Signs and Symptoms of Liver Failure

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body because it acts as a filter by removing any toxins from the bloodstream. It also stores energy and produces compounds that the body uses to process food. As a result, it’s important we take very good care of our liver which includes being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of possible liver failure.

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Common Causes of Hemorrhoids
Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Common Causes of Hemorrhoids

It’s believed that most American adults will be forced to deal with hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Often, hemorrhoids are just a nuisance, but in some cases they can form a painful clot that may require minor surgery. So, what causes this problem, which can result in pain, itching, bleeding and general discomfort around our most sensitive area?

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4 min read

Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar

Americans consume an average of 350-calories per day in sugars, and that eating high levels of refined sugar can negatively impact your health (and lead to diabetes). You can still enjoy a sweet treat that contains natural sugars – and here are six “good” sugar sources to turn to the next time you have a craving.

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Ways To Focus On Getting Fit
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Ways To Focus On Getting Fit

Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose weight or to get fit in order to prevent any serious conditions or life threatening diseases, staying focused throughout your journey may present itself with an abundance of mental and physical obstacles. If you use these 7 helpful tips to help you stay focused you’ll be sure to reach your goals!

Read More about Ways To Focus On Getting Fit

5 min read

7 Possible Causes of Déjà Vu You Might’ve Heard Before
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Possible Causes of Déjà Vu You Might’ve Heard Before

It’s happened to pretty much everyone at some point – you’re speaking to someone or performing an activity, and an eerie feeling comes over you that the exact same scenario took place before, although you can’t place when. It’s the feeling that you’ve rewound the tape and you’re replaying a scene from your life that […]

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