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Be Mindful of These 6 Brain Atrophy Symptoms
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Be Mindful of These 6 Brain Atrophy Symptoms

Also known as cerebral atrophy, this can occur as a result of many diseases of the brain (including strokes, traumatic brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, and others), resulting in a loss of brain neurons (and brain mass). The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke notes brain atrophy can be generalized – meaning the entire brain has […]

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Health Benefits and Side Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy

Formerly known as electroshock therapy, this treatment for mental disorders dates back to the 1930’s. While no one is certain how or why this therapy works, it seems to be still popular and remains a medical option in the U.S. Advances in how the treatment is delivered has been made, such as using general anesthesia […]

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4 min read

Feel Grounded With These 8 Beliefs About Earthing
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Feel Grounded With These 8 Beliefs About Earthing

Earthing is a relatively new buzz term, and refers to the connection between the human body and the earth. Basically, it means going barefoot and reaping the energy from the ground (whether it’s a beach or a grassy meadow), and it supposedly has many health benefits. According to, having “the earth underfoot” might be […]

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Tricks For Training Taste Buds to Love Healthy Foods
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Tricks For Training Taste Buds to Love Healthy Foods

You’re probably asking yourself – how come every food that’s bad for us tastes so good, and vice versa? Well, it turns out it comes down to how you program your brain to enjoy food – and there are ways to rewire it so you crave foods you would otherwise turn your nose up at.

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