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Grow With These 7 Facts about Puberty in Girls and Boys
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Grow With These 7 Facts about Puberty in Girls and Boys

Your children will start going through some major changes as early as age 8 or 9 (girls have historically started developing earlier than boys, although it can vary by person). Puberty affects girls and boys differently, so it’s important to be ready if you have both. The term “puberty” really means your children are reaching […]

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7 Brain Atrophy Causes That’ll Go to Your Head
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Brain Atrophy Causes That’ll Go to Your Head

Brain atrophy is a wasting away of brain cells, or more accurately, the loss of brain neurons and the connections between them that are essential for functioning properly. This can result in communication difficulties, loss of muscle strength, seizures, and even more advanced problems such as dementia. There are a number of factors that can […]

Read More about 7 Brain Atrophy Causes That’ll Go to Your Head

4 min read

6 Risk Factors of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

6 Risk Factors of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Also known as LGS, this syndrome affects younger children (starting between ages two to six) and is a rare form of epilepsy, according to WebMD. This results in frequent seizures of varying forms, adds the source. WebMD also notes the condition is especially difficult to treat, however research is ongoing. There can be other symptoms […]

Read More about 6 Risk Factors of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

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