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The Diagnosis of Brain Death: Six Signs and Symptoms
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

The Diagnosis of Brain Death: Six Signs and Symptoms

The brain is the master computer for all of your functions, so if it has failed, there’s no wonder that almost all bodily functions will be impacted along with it. It’s possible for a person to appear to still be alive when their brain is no longer functioning, but a brain-dead person is not legally […]

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4 min read

Foods That Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
By Emily Lockhart Your Health

Foods That Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer

One of the deadliest forms of cancer unique to women is ovarian cancer, which can strike at any age. And while ovarian cancer isn’t nearly the most prevalent cancer that affects women, in terms of sheer numbers, for too many women a diagnosis of ovarian cancer is essentially a death sentence. Even more frustrating is […]

Read More about Foods That Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer

5 min read

Foods To Avoid If You Have Metabolic Syndrome
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Foods To Avoid If You Have Metabolic Syndrome

The symptoms of this disease vary widely, though metabolic syndrome patients do tend to have more weight around the abdomen than the average person. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the impact of metabolic syndrome; for example, one can make a serious difference in their health by simply avoiding certain foods, including these 6.

Read More about Foods To Avoid If You Have Metabolic Syndrome

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7 Health Facts About Hydrocephalus
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Health Facts About Hydrocephalus

Having fluid in your skull around your brain is normal – however, when that fluid becomes excessive and causes a widening of the ventricles in the brain, it’s known as hydrocephalus. This natural fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) meant to cradle your brain from injury, notes Having an accumulation of CSF can put […]

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