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The Most Common Early Signs of Alzheimer’s
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

The Most Common Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

Recognizing the disease early can help a patient and family prepare to deal with it, but keep in mind there is no cure (although there are treatments that can possibly slow progression or improve quality of life). Here are 12 early warning signs that Alzheimer’s is creeping into your life or that of a loved one.

Read More about The Most Common Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

6 min read

Colon Cancer: 15 Important Symptoms Everyone Should Know
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Colon Cancer: 15 Important Symptoms Everyone Should Know

One of the reasons colon cancer is so deadly is that it’s hard to detect. As this article will show, early signs of colon cancer are easy to confuse with other, far less dangerous health issues, such as the stomach flu or irritable bowel syndrome. So, what are some of the symptoms of colorectal cancer?

Read More about Colon Cancer: 15 Important Symptoms Everyone Should Know

9 min read

6 Facts About Neurodevelopmental Disorders
By Jeff Hayward Children

6 Facts About Neurodevelopmental Disorders

These disorders usually relate to infants and children, as they suggest something has gone awry with the nervous system in the growth stages. However, the symptoms can last well into adulthood or for a patient’s entire life. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), surveys have shown that approximately 15-percent of children aged 3 to […]

Read More about 6 Facts About Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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