Yoga Poses to Relieve Anxiety
Millions of people suffer in silence with anxiety that can be life crippling at times. To help, try any of these yoga moves that can help relieve anxiety.
4 min read
Millions of people suffer in silence with anxiety that can be life crippling at times. To help, try any of these yoga moves that can help relieve anxiety.
4 min read
If you practice yoga with a teacher, or practice along to a DVD series in the comfort of your own home, chances are the instructor concludes every practice with the saying, “Namaste”. It might leave you wondering what this much-used piece of yoga lingo actually means… 1. Namaste Meaning According to the Yoga Journal, […]
3 min read
Your first yoga class is bound to be filled with hilarious inner thoughts that we all shared our first time on the mat. So dim the lights, cue the mantras, and give those spandex pants a run for their money—here are eight funny thoughts every new yogi experiences.
5 min read
Doing any new form of exercise is intimidating enough. But once you add discomfort in the form of unwelcoming or elitist attitudes or vague instructions—you’re bound to make new yoga students feel shunned rather than empowered and engaged.
5 min read
We look into 7 yoga poses that if done regularly can boost immunity and help ward off an impending cold or flu.
5 min read
The variety and choice is one of the biggest benefits of yoga, but it can also be overwhelming and make it difficult to find which is the right fit for you — your body experience and fitness level. Here’s an in-depth look into the most popular types and levels of yoga available…
6 min read