Yoga Moves for Runners
Yoga has so many great benefits and can actually make athletes better at their choice of sport, particularly runners. Here are 8 of the best yoga moves for runners.
4 min read
Yoga has so many great benefits and can actually make athletes better at their choice of sport, particularly runners. Here are 8 of the best yoga moves for runners.
4 min read
Millions of people suffer in silence with anxiety that can be life crippling at times. To help, try any of these yoga moves that can help relieve anxiety.
4 min read
We’ve compiled a list of 7 workout options that offer great midday forms of exercise because they work up little perspiration in 30- and 60-minutes, which is just covered by the average lunchtime break!
4 min read
From allowing us to take stock of our body during yoga practice to fighting fatigue and back stiffness—here are the eight lesser-known benefits of getting downward dog.
3 min read
Recent research credits a regular yoga practice with more than blissful zen and a buff bod— but it turns out that getting downward dog also makes us better human beings! Here are eight ways that yoga makes us nicer, kinder, and more self-aware.
3 min read