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Don’t Be Shortsighted With These Facts About Children’s Vision
By Jeff Hayward Children

Don’t Be Shortsighted With These Facts About Children’s Vision

We tend to worry more about eye problems and deteriorating vision as we age, but the truth is that children can have a variety of eye ailments that can threaten their eyesight as well. Even if your child has 20/20 vision and doesn’t seem to have trouble seeing the blackboard (or whiteboard) in school, you […]

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Eyeing Myths and Facts About Vision Health
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Eyeing Myths and Facts About Vision Health

Our eyes – we sometimes take them for granted, but they’re responsible for one of our most important senses. However, like any health topic, there are truths and not-so-truths floating around to consider. For example, remember when your parents told you repeatedly that sitting too close to the television would ruin your eyes forever? Well, […]

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Looking at 6 Important Facts About Strabismus
By Rachel Despres Your Health

Looking at 6 Important Facts About Strabismus

Also known as crossed-eyes, walleye or squint, the American Optometric Association defines strabismus as “a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time.” The condition—which is present in approximately 4 percent of the American population—may be a persistent issue or occur intermittently. Strabismus may not always affect […]

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Myopia: Taking a Closer Look at the Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Nearsightedness
By Rachel Despres Your Health

Myopia: Taking a Closer Look at the Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Nearsightedness

Defined as “the gradual or rapid decline of your eyes’ ability to focus on far away objects,” nearsightedness (or myopia, as it is medically known) affects approximately 25 percent of the American population. Nearsightedness is a refractive error, which, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, means that the eye “does not bend or refract […]

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6 Essential Nutrients for Brighter Eye Health
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

6 Essential Nutrients for Brighter Eye Health

Okay, we all know that carrots are reputedly good for eye health (as we age), but eating your weight in carrots won’t make you bright eyed all on their own. However, when it comes to protecting the eyes from degenerative disorders such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (or AMD), and glaucoma a plethora of essential nutrients are required… […]

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