The Incredible Health Benefits of Blueberries
It’s no mistake that blueberries are called a “superfood” thanks to its many healthful qualities that range from nutrient content to containing cancer-fighting agents and more.
5 min read
It’s no mistake that blueberries are called a “superfood” thanks to its many healthful qualities that range from nutrient content to containing cancer-fighting agents and more.
5 min read
A bladder infection is not a nice thing to suffer from. Anyone who’s had one before will know that! If left untreated they can lead to complications, so here’s a look at some of the most common symptoms.
8 min read
While some painkillers can help alleviate the symptoms of a UTI and antibiotics can help clear up the infection, there are a number of things that can be done to help with the recovery process without a prescription. Here is a list of 12 of them…
5 min read
When you hear the words barley water, some people may make a connection to beer. But the main difference is that barley water hasn’t gone through a fermentation process, so there’s no alcohol content. And it turns out, there can be many health benefits associated with drinking it regularly!
5 min read
Hot flashes can come on suddenly and without warning, leaving you flushed, sweaty, chilled, and heart racing. However, according to Dr. Alexandra Sowa, not all hot flashes are related to perimenopause and menopause. Here are six reasons why men and women can suffer hot flashes.
3 min read
If you measure road trips by how many rest stops you take along the way or your previous nights sleeps by how many times you had to visit the toilet, you may have a bladder issue that’s causing all of those sudden trips to the loo. Your urination urgency can be caused by several issues—from […]
4 min read