Common Signs of Glaucoma
You can prevent glaucoma with regular optical exams (with a visual field test) and also by remaining watchful of these 12 subtle warning signs.
5 min read
You can prevent glaucoma with regular optical exams (with a visual field test) and also by remaining watchful of these 12 subtle warning signs.
5 min read
Glaucoma is a degenerative eye disease that can rob a person of their vision. It affects millions of people, some of which don’t even know they have it! We look into the early warning signs of glaucoma.
6 min read
According to Wikipedia, perception is “the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment”. Perception is how we interpret what is going on outside of ourselves. It’s the conclusions we jump to when we try to analyze events, circumstances, and the presentation or behaviour of others. Perception involves […]
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