Pancreatic Cancer Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
While the foods on this list won’t erase cancer, they can help ease some of the symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, or help prevent it in the first place.
5 min read
While the foods on this list won’t erase cancer, they can help ease some of the symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, or help prevent it in the first place.
5 min read
Bipolar disorder is a complicated mental health condition that generally results in wide mood swings, from a patient feeling really great to incredibly depressed. Although we usually think about mood swings in the short term, in reality many people with bipolar disorder can experience slow fluctuations that can last days or even weeks. Most people […]
7 min read
Although there isn’t a specific plan that works for everyone, there are some foods that have been found to trigger pain, and others that seem to help reduce it—including the following 12.
6 min read
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to safeguard against foreign bacteria, viruses, and infection. When it senses a threat, the body will trigger the release of chemicals and white blood cells (our body’s germ fighters). Avoiding these 15 foods may greatly reduce and soothe the inflammatory response.
8 min read
For diabetics, it’s crucial they become aware of the foods and drinks that can pose problems for their blood sugar levels. Now, let’s take a look at some foods you may not even realize can put your health in danger.
7 min read
It turns out that on top of being delicious, fermented foods can also bring health benefits. Who knew (except for a bunch of dietitians and nutrition experts)? So here are 10 reasons the fermented shouldn’t be lamented.
5 min read