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sugar substitue

How to Avoid an Easter Sugar Binge
Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Children

How to Avoid an Easter Sugar Binge

What parent doesn’t dread the sugar-infused mayhem that follows an Easter egg hunt?  Well never fear the bunny and his basket of goodies; we’ve got ten tried and true ways to prevent those candy-filled temper tantrums and the irritable blood sugar crashes that inevitably put an end to an otherwise enjoyable family holiday.

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4 min read

Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar

Americans consume an average of 350-calories per day in sugars, and that eating high levels of refined sugar can negatively impact your health (and lead to diabetes). You can still enjoy a sweet treat that contains natural sugars – and here are six “good” sugar sources to turn to the next time you have a craving.

Read More about Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar

4 min read

Stevia: Is it the Best Sugar Substitute?
By ActiveBeat Author Videos

Stevia: Is it the Best Sugar Substitute?

Put down that candy and listen up as Tyler from ActiveBeat examines the popular sugar substitute, stevia. Tyler will run you through the pros and cons of the highly refined, plant-based, food additive that’s been used as a source of sweet stuff for more than 1500 years in South America. Stevia is recently gaining a lot […]

Read More about Stevia: Is it the Best Sugar Substitute?

1 min read