Essential Tremor Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Do parts of your body shake involuntarily? You might have a condition known as essential tremor disorder. Here’s what you need to know.
6 min read
Do parts of your body shake involuntarily? You might have a condition known as essential tremor disorder. Here’s what you need to know.
6 min read
Parkinson’s progresses and presents differently for each individual, creating some myths and misconceptions about it. We’ve created this list of the most common myths and found the real facts behind them. Take a look and learn the truth about Parkinson’s disease….
7 min read
You’re bombarded with messages about how important it is to monitor your sugar intake, as too much can cause a host of problems (especially if you’re diabetic). However, it’s just as important to make sure you have adequate sugar in your system, as you can end up with a variety of symptoms from low blood sugar.
2 min read
A tremor involves involuntary and uncontrolled muscle oscillations in one or more parts of the body—most typically the hands, arms, head, face, voice, abdomen, or legs. Even though tremors aren’t life-threatening, they are embarrassing and encumbering when it comes to daily tasks. And because there are so many types of tremors, it’s often difficult to differentiate one from another.
4 min read