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The Incredible Health Benefits of Avocado
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

The Incredible Health Benefits of Avocado

The avocado has become remarkably popular in recent years, and for good reason: the fruit has a remarkably unique taste, it contains “healthy” fats, and it’s packed with protein, something that sets it apart from other fruits and vegetables. In addition to being a healthy fat, here are some of the health benefits that come from regularly eating avocado.

Read More about The Incredible Health Benefits of Avocado

8 min read

Pros and Cons of Switching to a Vegetarian Diet
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Pros and Cons of Switching to a Vegetarian Diet

Making the switch from eating meat to vegetarianism is a difficult one. But for people who care a lot about what they eat and the way it’s prepared, it’s a worthwhile journey. The question is, what are the pros and cons of making the switch to a vegetarian diet?

Read More about Pros and Cons of Switching to a Vegetarian Diet

5 min read