Biggest Risk Factors for Developing Lymphoma
There are two different types of lymphoma: Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Here is a list of the biggest risk factors for their development.
6 min read
There are two different types of lymphoma: Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Here is a list of the biggest risk factors for their development.
6 min read
It seems that we can’t get away from harmful pesticides in our foods. In fact, the most recent studies list the following 10 fruits and vegetables among the highest in terms of pesticides (in no particular order).
4 min read
While recent studies have found that organic food is not more nutritious, pediatricians are still recommending it for children. The issue is not getting more nutrients, but the pesticides found on conventional produce. The report was released by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published in the journal of Pediatrics. The report collects several studies […]
2 min read