Strange Ways the Mind and Body Change as We Age
Not only do our bodies noticeably change from graying hair and wrinkling skin but there are more changes under the surface too!
6 min read
Not only do our bodies noticeably change from graying hair and wrinkling skin but there are more changes under the surface too!
6 min read
Cataracts is a vision condition that affects the lens of the eyes. Protein in the lens builds up making your vision cloudy, blurry, fading colors, increasing your sensitivity to light, and making it difficult to see at night. We look into the most common causes and risk factors for cataracts.
7 min read
How can one tell if cataracts may become a serious problem in the near or distant future? We’ve got a list of all the common early warning signs to watch for.
8 min read
Many people seem to have 20/20 vision during the day, which is of course ideal. However, for some, when the sun goes down their grip tightens a bit on the steering wheel, or they avoid driving at all after dusk. There is actually a medical term for poor sight at night – it’s called nyctalopia […]
4 min read