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nerve damage symptoms

Paresthesia: 8 Possible Reasons for Experiencing Chronic Numbness
By Rachel Despres Your Health

Paresthesia: 8 Possible Reasons for Experiencing Chronic Numbness

Paresthesia is the medical term for the pins and needles numbing that many experience on occasion. People will often refer to this as their arm or leg having ‘fallen asleep.’ While this sensation most often occurs because of pressure put on a nerve, it is typically temporary and does not require any medical treatment. If […]

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4 min read

5 Things About Health and Hiccups
Reviewed by Patty Weasler, RN Your Health

5 Things About Health and Hiccups

Generally, hiccups are innocent annoyances that indicate you’ve either consumed food or drink too quickly. However, gastroenterologists describe the actual hiccup action as something much freakier—the abrupt contraction of the diaphragm that snaps shut the vocal cords. Although it sounds far scarier than it actually is, a chronic case of the hiccups can be an […]

Read More about 5 Things About Health and Hiccups

3 min read