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mindful eating tips

Tips for Dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Medically Reviewed by Greg Dorter, RP Your Health

Tips for Dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes obsessive thoughts and urges or compulsive, repetitive behaviors. Not only that, but these thoughts and behaviors are more than nail biting or worry, they can be so severe that they cause severe anxiety and have a major impact on someone’s life. For those who need it, we’ve compiled a list of some helpful tips on how to better deal with OCD.

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9 min read

Facts to Digest About Intuitive Eating
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Facts to Digest About Intuitive Eating

American diets are often about obsessing about calorie and fat intake, and using a diary or app to keep track of it all. Intuitive eating is a sort of “mindful” way of nourishing yourself; it involves just eating when your body signals you to, and then stopping when you’re full.

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5 min read

Ways to Better Control Your Food Portions
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Ways to Better Control Your Food Portions

The truth is, many people put more on their plate than they need to, or skip healthy snacks or meals and end up binge eating to make up for the lost calories. And when you’re very hungry, you may not make the wisest choices about how much you should be eating in one sitting. Here are six tips to help you keep your portions under control.

Read More about Ways to Better Control Your Food Portions

4 min read