What Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health
Today, we’re going to take a look at what the condition of your feet are trying to tell you about your health, and why it’s probably a good idea for you to start listening to them.
6 min read
Today, we’re going to take a look at what the condition of your feet are trying to tell you about your health, and why it’s probably a good idea for you to start listening to them.
6 min read
Cancer of the skin is by far the most common of all cancers. Current figures indicate that one in five people in the United States will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Every hour, two Americans die of the disease. Whilst melanoma only accounts for approximately one percent of American skin cancer cases, […]
4 min read
While skin cancer affects nearly 1 in 5 Americans, it can be treated if found early. To help fight this disease, here’s a look at the most common types of cancer, including their signs and symptoms.
4 min read
The number one way to protect yourself from skin cancer is to stay out of UV radiation from sunlight. This includes both during the summer and winter and even on cloudy days. But not every type of skin cancer is completely preventable and it’s important to know all the places it can pop up on your skin. Keep reading to learn more about the unusual places you can get skin cancer.
8 min read
When it comes to increasing your risk of skin cancer there are the obvious culprits: sunbathing minus the sunscreen and an addiction to the tanning bed. However, it may come as a surprise that there are several other factors that can increase your risk of skin cancer.
4 min read
Ever wonder what those strange marks or color on your fingernails mean? We look into 14 common health-related conditions that show symptoms in our fingernails.
8 min read