Ailments More Likely to Affect Women Than Men
There are some health problems that are almost exclusive to women; this is not to say that men won’t develop some of the same health problems, but in many cases they may impact women more.
4 min read
There are some health problems that are almost exclusive to women; this is not to say that men won’t develop some of the same health problems, but in many cases they may impact women more.
4 min read
Even though lupus may appear “invisible” to outsiders, lupus patients can tell you firsthand about the numerous combinations of symptoms (i.e., skin rash, swelling of joints, anxiety, joint pain, fatigue, depression, and sleep disruptions), the triggers of a lupus flareup, and the obstacles to controlling this chronic inflammatory disease. The infographic series below was created by MyLupusTeam (with the help of their over 50,000 […]
1 min read
Many illnesses, particularly chronic pain conditions, are invisible from the outside yet they cause extreme torment and discomfort on the inside. Burning Nights CRPS, the U.K. based non-profit charity that provides support to those afflicted with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), has created this infographic outlining the most common hidden illnesses—Fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (or […]
1 min read
Many folks have never even heard of Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (or APS), but June just happens to be Antiphospholipid Awareness Month. APS is a type of autoimmune disorder that occurs when the immune system begins to attack normal proteins within the blood. According to research from the American College of Rheumatology, anti-phospholipid autoantibodies (aPL proteins) in the blood mistakenly […]
4 min read
Red eye is a sign of eye inflammation and can occur in one or both eyes. It occurs when blood vessels in the eye become swollen or irritated and can affect any part of the eye. It is one of the most common eye ailments seen by primary care physicians and has a multitude of causes.
8 min read
Autoimmune diseases (when the body’s immune response turns against healthy cells) are on a sharp increase in the U.S., and they are sometimes harder to pinpoint with traditional blood tests. In fact, the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association said there are currently more than 23 million Americans with an autoimmune illness, and that number is […]
4 min read