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Screen Time Is Contributing to Chronic Sleep Deprivation in Tweens and Teens — A Pediatric Sleep Expert Explains How Critical Sleep Is to Kids’ Mental Health
By Maida Lynn Chen Children

Screen Time Is Contributing to Chronic Sleep Deprivation in Tweens and Teens — A Pediatric Sleep Expert Explains How Critical Sleep Is to Kids’ Mental Health

With the start of a new school year comes the inevitable battle to get kids back into a healthy bedtime routine. In many cases, this likely means resetting boundaries on screen use, especially late in the evenings. But imposing and enforcing those rules can be easier said than done. A growing body of research is […]

Read More about Screen Time Is Contributing to Chronic Sleep Deprivation in Tweens and Teens — A Pediatric Sleep Expert Explains How Critical Sleep Is to Kids’ Mental Health

5 min read

Development of Vision in Early Childhood: No Screens Before Age Two
By Langis Michaud Children

Development of Vision in Early Childhood: No Screens Before Age Two

Things are busy on a rainy Saturday afternoon when I make a trip to the mall to finalize some back-to-school shopping. I pass by a lot of people, including several parents with young children under two years old, in strollers, and am struck by the fact that all of the children have a tablet or […]

Read More about Development of Vision in Early Childhood: No Screens Before Age Two

6 min read

School Start Times and Screen Time Late in the Evening Exacerbate Sleep Deprivation in US Teenagers
By Horacio de la Iglesia Children

School Start Times and Screen Time Late in the Evening Exacerbate Sleep Deprivation in US Teenagers

With the school year underway around the U.S., parents and caregivers are once again faced with the age-old struggle of wrangling groggy kids out of bed in the morning. For parents of preteens and teenagers, it can be particularly challenging. Sometimes this gets chalked up to laziness in teens. But the main reason why a […]

Read More about School Start Times and Screen Time Late in the Evening Exacerbate Sleep Deprivation in US Teenagers

5 min read