Most Common Types of Cancer, Ranked
1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, so it’s important to get informed. Here’s a look at the 13 most common types of cancer and their warning signs.
8 min read
1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, so it’s important to get informed. Here’s a look at the 13 most common types of cancer and their warning signs.
8 min read
Although certain symptoms are very specific to the subtype of leukemia, there are several common signs of the disease to be on the lookout for. Get informed because leukemia is more treatable when detected early.
6 min read
Like any cancer, finding it and starting a treatment plan as soon as possible are the keys to recovery. Here are the seven most common cancers in kids…
4 min read
You probably think of your skeleton, flesh and muscles as the only essential parts of your body, and you’re mostly right. However, within your bones lies another essential component—marrow. This flexible tissue inside bones is key to maintaining your immune system, as it is responsible for producing all of your blood cells—the type that transports […]
4 min read
Polycythemia vera is a blood cancer that develops slowly over time. It affects the bone marrow and specifically involves the development of too many red blood cells. This overabundance of blood cells causes the blood to thicken and lead to significant complications, including the emergence and growth of blood clots. Polycythemia vera is a rare […]
4 min read
Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer may be caused by genetic mutations, as well as environmental and lifestyle factors. We look into the top cancers in the United States.
8 min read