Juices for a Liver Cleanse
If you’re looking to do a liver cleanse consider one of these juice recipes! Not only are they chock full of ingredients that are good for your liver, but they’re tasty too!
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If you’re looking to do a liver cleanse consider one of these juice recipes! Not only are they chock full of ingredients that are good for your liver, but they’re tasty too!
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While we can all agree on some things, e.g. smoking is bad for our health, there are many health topics that researchers and experts can’t agree on. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest health controversies that still exist to this day.
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The best way to stay healthy is by getting sufficient exercise and changing your diet to involve less fatty and sugary foods and adding more nutritious meals. However, people are still flocking to these “miracle” diets – so let’s take a closer look at 13 of them that can actually be detrimental to your health.
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While there are many very real health risks out there to be mindful of, there are some that you can outright ignore – or at least stop worrying about so much, because worrying is not good for your health. Here are 13 health myths to bust.
7 min read
Have you ever wondered how the world’s most popular fad diets stack up against one another as far as ease, effectiveness, and long-term sustainability? Well, you are in luck because nutritionist, Shereen Lehman, MS, co-author of Superfoods for Dummies and Clinical Anatomy for Dummies and Reuters Health writer, puts the world’s top trendy diets (5:2, Blood Type […]
1 min read
January brings a whole sleuth of New Year’s resolutions, many of them health and weight loss oriented. However, before you decide a juice cleanse or detox style diet will do the trick–think again! Research shows the idea of “detoxing” the body is actually bogus and not very healthy either. Sure, you may experience short […]
3 min read