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improving mental health

How Alone Time Can Benefit Your Health
By Katherine George Your Health

How Alone Time Can Benefit Your Health

While we are social creatures that crave interaction and connection, research shows alone time can be very beneficial for our mental health. Sitting in solitude for even just a few minutes each day can increase productivity, reduce stress, boost creativity, and make us more empathetic. We look into all the ways alone time can benefit our mental health and how to make it a priority.

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9 min read

Why Does Experiencing ‘Flow’ Feel So Good? A Communication Scientist Explains
By Richard Huskey Your Health

Why Does Experiencing ‘Flow’ Feel So Good? A Communication Scientist Explains

New years often come with new resolutions. Get back in shape. Read more. Make more time for friends and family. My list of resolutions might not look quite the same as yours, but each of our resolutions represents a plan for something new, or at least a little bit different. As you craft your 2022 […]

Read More about Why Does Experiencing ‘Flow’ Feel So Good? A Communication Scientist Explains

6 min read