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healthy habits

Focus On Right Now, Not the Distant Future, To Stay Motivated and on Track to Your Long-Term Health Goals
By Kaitlin Woolley and Paul Stillman Your Health

Focus On Right Now, Not the Distant Future, To Stay Motivated and on Track to Your Long-Term Health Goals

It’s a familiar start-of-the-year scene. You’ve committed to a healthier lifestyle and are determined that this time is going to be different. Your refrigerator is stocked with fruits and veggies, you’ve tossed out processed foods, and your workout routine is written in pen in your daily planner. Yet, as you head out one morning, the […]

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5 min read

Healthy Holiday Habits This Season
Medically Reviewed Patty Weasler, RN Your Health

Healthy Holiday Habits This Season

While the holiday season is a time of year that many look forward to, it can also come with its stress. During this time of year, many people tend to fall out of their healthy routines and indulge, especially with the time off work and a long list of gatherings with friends and family. With the holidays around the corner, let’s take a look at some habits you should consider this holiday season to keep you feeling healthy and happy.

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6 min read