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When History Gave Good Foods a Bad Rap…
By ActiveBeat Author Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

When History Gave Good Foods a Bad Rap…

Most of us know that to remain healthy, our diets should consist of a balance and variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. However, it may surprise you to learn that historically, certain super foods were banned on moral and physical corrupting grounds (i.e., eggs, fish, wine, almonds, butter, beef, etc.). This infographic, created by Rodale’s Organic […]

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1 min read

What Does the Color of Your Fruit and Vegetable Tell You?
By ActiveBeat Author Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

What Does the Color of Your Fruit and Vegetable Tell You?

If you’re a regular reader, you already know that we feature our fair share of fruits and vegetable superfoods on this website. This is due to the fact that fresh produce is jam-packed with an array of vitamins and minerals that energize the body and keep it powered all day long. However, did you know that […]

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10 Sweet, Savory, and Healthy Trail Mix Combinations
By ActiveBeat Author Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

10 Sweet, Savory, and Healthy Trail Mix Combinations

Trail mix really is the perfect portable snack for a summer hike, camping trip, picnic, or a day at the beach. And no matter if you prefer a sweet, savory, sweet-savory, or a health-filled mix the following innovative and flavorful combinations (care of will certainly hit the spot and tide you over until the next […]

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min read

6 Reasons Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

6 Reasons Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses

So what the heck are pulses? No, I’m not referring to the pitter-pater of your heart beat. While you might not recognize the term, trust me, you’re familiar with the food. Pulses are an entire food group made up of the dried, edible seeds of the legume family…so chickpeas, dry peas, beans, and lentils. Sustainable, versatile, […]

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Minor Daily Tweaks With Huge Health and Diet Impacts
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Minor Daily Tweaks With Huge Health and Diet Impacts

We often get caught up in the big picture, total exercise and diet overhauls that we often forget that little changes can make huge impact in our lives and health goals. So instead of spending hours at the gym and going on a restrictive elimination diet, try making these six minor tweaks to see major health payoffs.

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4 min read