Common Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
The only surefire way to diagnose diagesties is by getting your doctor to perform a fasting blood sugar test. However, these 15 symptoms are also common indicators of type 2 diabetes.
10 min read
The only surefire way to diagnose diagesties is by getting your doctor to perform a fasting blood sugar test. However, these 15 symptoms are also common indicators of type 2 diabetes.
10 min read
We all know flossing improves the appearance and health of our gums, but here are 8 other flossing benefits you probably never thought of!
3 min read
You brush twice daily, floss, and go to yearly dental check-ups; you even got your teeth whitened last year, but is your smile still less than sparkling? Your diet or daily habits may be the culprit. Simple habits like chewing on pen caps and grinding your teeth when you’re stressed may seem harmless but really […]
6 min read