Bowel Cancer Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
Making changes to your diet may help you fight bowel cancer or reduce your risk of developing it. Here are five foods to eat and five foods to avoid.
6 min read
Making changes to your diet may help you fight bowel cancer or reduce your risk of developing it. Here are five foods to eat and five foods to avoid.
6 min read
Fiber has plenty of health benefits but unfortunately, many people have a hard time getting enough fiber from food. That’s where supplements come in. But before you buy fiber supplements, there are some things you should know including the different types of supplements, and safety tips when taking them.
5 min read
Dealing with constipation or irregular bowel movements is not fun. But you should know you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of effective natural stool softeners you can try to get relief!
5 min read
You may already have heard that fiber is associated with staying “regular,” but there’s more to it than that. There are actually two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble – and they each offer unique benefits. Here’s a look at all of them and why they are important.
4 min read
Carbohydrates, especially fast-acting carbohydrates, produce the most carbon dioxide in the body. Fats and proteins produce the least. With this in mind, as someone with COPD, you want to prioritize foods that fit within the guidelines explained below.
4 min read
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a tough condition to stomach. Luckily, for those with IBS, there is a wide range of remedies as well as some medical-grade solutions that can help provide some relief.
4 min read