Is Fasting an Anti-Aging Diet?
Intermittent fasting has been proven to achieve health benefits, but is anti-aging one of them? Here’s what you need to know about this diet and what it can do for you as you grow older.
4 min read
Intermittent fasting has been proven to achieve health benefits, but is anti-aging one of them? Here’s what you need to know about this diet and what it can do for you as you grow older.
4 min read
We are here to teach you everything you need to know about fasting for a blood test. What you can and cannot eat, how long you need to fast, and so much more. We promise your doctor isn’t trying to make you hungry or irritable by scheduling a fasting blood test. He or she wants to get the most accurate results and give you the very best care possible.
6 min read
We’re all looking for the next best thing when it comes to health and weight loss, and intermittent fasting seems to be the newest fad. But like most new diets, we’ve got lots of questions — like what is fasting and what are the benefits? Is it even safe? Before trying intermittent fasting, here’s everything to know.
10 min read
While we can all agree on some things, e.g. smoking is bad for our health, there are many health topics that researchers and experts can’t agree on. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest health controversies that still exist to this day.
11 min read
The best way to stay healthy is by getting sufficient exercise and changing your diet to involve less fatty and sugary foods and adding more nutritious meals. However, people are still flocking to these “miracle” diets – so let’s take a closer look at 13 of them that can actually be detrimental to your health.
7 min read