What to Know About Computer Vision Syndrome
Since computer vision syndrome is such a common problem and surprisingly, a lot of people haven’t heart of it, let’s take a look at everything you should know about this condition.
9 min read
Since computer vision syndrome is such a common problem and surprisingly, a lot of people haven’t heart of it, let’s take a look at everything you should know about this condition.
9 min read
It sounds very strange, but it is possible! Our eye color can change, but it’s most likely due to any of these health conditions.
8 min read
Glaucoma is a degenerative eye disease that can rob a person of their vision. It affects millions of people, some of which don’t even know they have it! We look into the early warning signs of glaucoma.
6 min read
We tend to worry more about eye problems and deteriorating vision as we age, but the truth is that children can have a variety of eye ailments that can threaten their eyesight as well. Even if your child has 20/20 vision and doesn’t seem to have trouble seeing the blackboard (or whiteboard) in school, you […]
7 min read
Our eyes – we sometimes take them for granted, but they’re responsible for one of our most important senses. However, like any health topic, there are truths and not-so-truths floating around to consider. For example, remember when your parents told you repeatedly that sitting too close to the television would ruin your eyes forever? Well, […]
6 min read
They say our eyes are the windows to our soul, but they can also be the windows to more serious health problems, if you know how to look for them.
6 min read