18 Foods That Can Help Reduce Hypertension
While hypertension can be controlled with medication, there are also many foods that naturally help lower blood pressure.
9 min read
While hypertension can be controlled with medication, there are also many foods that naturally help lower blood pressure.
9 min read
You don’t need to have a strict, boring diet. A lot of foods that help burn fat are full of flavor, can be cooked in a variety of ways, and can be eaten as a snack or part of a meal. To lose fat and weight, and to get much-needed energy for exercise, eat these 19 foods that help burn fat.
12 min read
You treat your four-legged friend like one of the family, and why not? They’re loyal, and they love you unconditionally. Well… as long as you feed them. Speaking of which, it’s important to know that while you may consider your dog as the extra child you always wanted, you can’t feed them like a human. […]
6 min read
What can we do with our diets to help in the fight against this form of cancer? We’ve got the answer. Here are some good and bad foods to consume after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
7 min read
There are several foods that can both positively and negatively impact those with hypothyroidism, as well as those with normally working thyroids. Here are 15 nutrient-rich foods that impact thyroid health.
7 min read
While there’s no known cure for Crohn’s yet, there are treatments and dietary choices you can make in order to ease the symptoms.
5 min read