Most Effective Detoxification Drinks!
We look into the 13 most effective drinks that will detoxify the body and leave us feeling fresh and healthy!
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We look into the 13 most effective drinks that will detoxify the body and leave us feeling fresh and healthy!
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The best way to stay healthy is by getting sufficient exercise and changing your diet to involve less fatty and sugary foods and adding more nutritious meals. However, people are still flocking to these “miracle” diets – so let’s take a closer look at 13 of them that can actually be detrimental to your health.
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Our bodies are coursing with hormones, and those hormones are responsible for some of the most essential functions in the body, including puberty, sleep, stress levels, mood, sex drive, weight, appetite, and more. However, certain seemingly innocent habits can wreak havoc on your hormones and those vital physical and mental functions.
3 min read
Like many other short fad diets, there are health professionals in support of and against juice cleansing. So read on for the pros and cons of juice cleansing to help you decide whether to give it a try or avoid it altogether…
8 min read
While many people might attempt a detox diet to rid their body of chemical toxins and processed ingredients, the problem is the sudden lack of calories and energy often leaves a person malnourished and starving which sets them up for failure in the long run. Here are some of the most common dangers of detox diets.
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If you live a toxic lifestyle there is no doubt that you will eventually start to be weighed down by the damage done. However, you can detoxify (or cleanse) the body using certain foods to help counteract the toxins. So regardless of if weight loss, younger looking skin, better digestion, or just more energy is your goal, here are 10 of the most effective foods you can eat to help detox and cleanse your body.
4 min read