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Polydipsia: 6 Medical Causes of Excessive Thirst
By Rachel Despres Your Health

Polydipsia: 6 Medical Causes of Excessive Thirst

It’s normal to experience thirst after eating something salty or spicy, when it’s hot outside, or after engaging in physical activity. According to WebMD, it’s the body’s way of “telling you that it’s running low on water, which it needs to work well.” If the sensation is persistent and continues even after drinking something, or […]

Read More about Polydipsia: 6 Medical Causes of Excessive Thirst

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7 Facts about Heat, Humidity and Impacts on Health
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Facts about Heat, Humidity and Impacts on Health

We’re coming into the warmer season, and for states that are already relatively warm for most of the year, that means they’ll be especially hot. While that means sipping beverages on patios and lounging on beaches, it also means certain health considerations. Enjoying the sun and outdoors during the late spring and summer (and into […]

Read More about 7 Facts about Heat, Humidity and Impacts on Health

4 min read