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crossfit myths

The Health Benefits of CrossFit
Medically Reviewed by Eric Leckie, PT Fitness News & Advice

The Health Benefits of CrossFit

Does CrossFit actually work? Is it worth all the hype that now surrounds it? For many people, the answer is most definitely “yes.” To understand why this type of workout has been so successful for so many people, let’s take a closer look at some of the significant physical and mental benefits of participating in CrossFit.

Read More about The Health Benefits of CrossFit

8 min read

Psychological Pros and Cons of CrossFit
By Kathi Cameron, MA, RCC Fitness News & Advice

Psychological Pros and Cons of CrossFit

Although there have been numerous reviews of the pros and cons of CrossFit as it relates to the physical benefits and possible injuries, there have been fewer examining the psychological results of participation. If we were to apply the basics of exercise psychology to the examination of Cross-fit what would the pros and cons be?

Read More about Psychological Pros and Cons of CrossFit

6 min read