Types of Headaches and Popular Treatment Options
The trick to treating any type of headache is determining the type and cause. Let’s take a look at a number of frequently reported types of headaches and their possible causes.
7 min read
The trick to treating any type of headache is determining the type and cause. Let’s take a look at a number of frequently reported types of headaches and their possible causes.
7 min read
Red eye is a sign of eye inflammation and can occur in one or both eyes. It occurs when blood vessels in the eye become swollen or irritated and can affect any part of the eye. It is one of the most common eye ailments seen by primary care physicians and has a multitude of causes.
8 min read
Cluster headaches occur in a cyclical pattern, or cluster, which can last fifteen to 180-minutes for weeks to months. They are the most severe of headaches and are referred to by some as “suicide headaches.” Here are some common treatments for cluster headaches.
7 min read
There are a variety of medications available to treat headaches, but some people find that medication does not lessen the severity of their pain. Alternative treatments include lifestyle changes, stress management, and dietary changes. Improper nutrition can easily be the cause of a headache. Here are 15 foods that could relieve your headache and get you back to feeling good in no time.
9 min read