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Causes of Dehydration

Dizziness: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Medically Reviewed Patty Weasler, RN Your Health

Dizziness: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Rare bouts of dizziness is nothing to be alarmed about, but if it happens often or no apparent reason — it’s time to call the doctor. There are a number of potential causes for dizziness and treatment will likely depend on that. To get a better understanding, here’s a look at the most common symptoms, causes, and treatment of dizziness…

Read More about Dizziness: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

8 min read

Dehydration in Toddlers: Early Signs and Treatment Options
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Dehydration in Toddlers: Early Signs and Treatment Options

Dehydration can be caused by all sorts of things–fever, illness, hot weather, not drinking enough, and exercise to name just a few. Toddlers aren’t able to communicate like their adult counterparts which put them at a higher risk for becoming dangerously dehydrated. Here’s a list of the warning signs of dehydration in toddlers and the treatment options.

Read More about Dehydration in Toddlers: Early Signs and Treatment Options

8 min read