Ways to Clear Your Lungs at Home
Whether you’re dealing with seasonal allergies, fighting off a cold, or dealing with something a bit more serious, know that clearing your lungs at home is possible. Here are 11 methods to try!
7 min read
Whether you’re dealing with seasonal allergies, fighting off a cold, or dealing with something a bit more serious, know that clearing your lungs at home is possible. Here are 11 methods to try!
7 min read
Almost everyone has had hiccups at least one time in their life. And while they are very annoying, they do usually go away on their own. In the meantime, you can give one of these effective home remedies a try to get some relief from those stubborn hiccups!
5 min read
The main symptoms of COPD is difficulty breathing, cough, mucus production and wheezing, adds the source. To help reduce these symptoms, it’s important to keep the body healthy by maintaining a healthy weight and eating a well rounded diet which means avoiding the following foods.
8 min read
For many, panic attacks are more common. They can cause you to become depressed, fearful of leaving the house and even cause you to totally withdraw from social activities you once loved. However, you can regain control and reduce the debilitating symptoms of panic attacks from ruling your life with the following treatments.
7 min read
An individual who fails to receive sufficient oxygen is bound to suffer a range of significant health problems. For that reason, it’s important to be aware of strategies that can help our lungs work as they should.
7 min read
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to two types of lung conditions that affect a person’s ability to breathe—emphysema and bronchitis. In many cases, WebMD says people with COPD tend to suffer from both, which “reduce the amount of oxygen exchange in the lungs and thicken the lining of the airways.” This can lead to […]
3 min read