Strange Ways the Mind and Body Change as We Age
Not only do our bodies noticeably change from graying hair and wrinkling skin but there are more changes under the surface too!
6 min read
Not only do our bodies noticeably change from graying hair and wrinkling skin but there are more changes under the surface too!
6 min read
Perspiration, the release of salt-based fluid from the sweat glands, is the natural process by which the body regulates its temperature. Although commonly associated with body odor, it is not the sweat itself that causes unpleasant scents. Rather, it is the result of when it “breaks down and mixes with the bacteria on your skin,” […]
4 min read
As a society, we are (mostly) obsessed with keeping ourselves clean and tidy—largely for cosmetic reasons. However, there are other very important reasons to keep yourself groomed, and they’re about your health. A variety of ailments can spring up from neglecting your hygiene. However, Americans may be overdoing it, according to some new research. Let’s […]
4 min read
Baking soda has earned its reputation as an “all-purpose” product for many reasons. When you consider that baking soda cleanses the body, soothes irritated skin, zaps blemishes, and more you’ll wonder why you haven’t considered this multipurpose wonder a beauty ally sooner! So free that old box of baking soda from the confines of your […]
4 min read
Sometimes bodily odor can just be a case of bad hygiene, but other times it can suggest a certain health issue coming on, according to Business Insider. The resource noted that “sickness does actually have a unique odor” and you can generally tell if someone is fighting an illness from his or her scent. The […]
4 min read