Debunking Common Myths About Aging
Many things that people fear about getting older aren’t actually true and debunking these myths is important because it can change the way we view growing older!
7 min read
Many things that people fear about getting older aren’t actually true and debunking these myths is important because it can change the way we view growing older!
7 min read
Staying up too late, stressing about work, and lounging around on the couch might seem harmless, but in reality these seemingly normal habits can be detrimental to our health. To keep our brain sharp and healthy, avoid these 12 bad habits that can actually age your brain.
8 min read
Getting proper sleep is important for your overall health, so not only is insomnia unpleasant – it can start to impact your performance (or worse). We look into 12 reasons you might be laying lying awake in your bed night after night.
6 min read
It’s not normal to feel a constant cold or chilly sensation in your fingers, particularly during the warmer months! If you do, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about some of the conditions that may be behind this problem, including these 8.
5 min read