Scientific Benefits of Sleeping With Your Dog
Not only will your dog appreciate being near you, but you stand to benefit as well in big ways. Read on to learn 6 scientific benefits you can get from sleeping with your dog!
4 min read
Not only will your dog appreciate being near you, but you stand to benefit as well in big ways. Read on to learn 6 scientific benefits you can get from sleeping with your dog!
4 min read
While many seniors have good mental health some are at risk of developing mental disorders. Here are 10 ways seniors can enhance their mental health!
6 min read
Anyone who suffers from chronic stress will have high cortisol levels. If these levels remain elevated for a long period of time, it can have a number of negative effects on the body. Luckily there are a variety of different ways cortisol levels can be lowered naturally, including these 12.
6 min read
When we think of exercise and fitness, we often take a structured view of it: hitting the gym 3-times a week, or getting out for a jog with the sunrise. However, it turns out that you may be getting a fairly decent workout just by doing what you already do.
4 min read
You see someone on the street that turns your head and you give them a second look… why? There are a lot of forces at play about which people our brains find attractive, and it’s not always because of mainstream beauty. Attraction can work in many ways: it can be from a glance (love at […]
4 min read
For those who would rather get a root canal than go home for Christmas, we offer 10 ways to, not only get through the turmoil in one piece, but also to reduce stress and increase the enjoyment of the holiday season.
6 min read