Foods You Should Eat When You’re Sick
When we’re battling an illness like the cold or flu it’s important we feed our body the proper fuel to feed our immune system. We look into the 22 best foods to eat when sick.
14 min read
When we’re battling an illness like the cold or flu it’s important we feed our body the proper fuel to feed our immune system. We look into the 22 best foods to eat when sick.
14 min read
High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the biggest health threats to Americans, so read up on the everyday foods that could help reduce blood pressure.
6 min read
Ulcers occur when the stomachs digestive juices begin to eat away at the protective lining. It can be extremely painful, so we look into some of the best natural ways to soothe a stomach ulcer.
6 min read
While hypertension can be controlled with medication, there are also many foods that naturally help lower blood pressure.
9 min read
Strokes are something that can happen to anyone at almost any age, and can leave a patient with catastrophic results. While there isn’t a 100-percent foolproof way to avoid one, there are lifestyle changes you can make, as well as changes to your diet.
7 min read
You don’t need to have a strict, boring diet. A lot of foods that help burn fat are full of flavor, can be cooked in a variety of ways, and can be eaten as a snack or part of a meal. To lose fat and weight, and to get much-needed energy for exercise, eat these 19 foods that help burn fat.
12 min read