Common Types of Inflammatory Arthritis
While there are many different types of inflammatory arthritis, the following seven are the most common.
4 min read
While there are many different types of inflammatory arthritis, the following seven are the most common.
4 min read
Going gluten-free has become a trendy thing for many people, however if you have Celiac disease, you already know you can’t consume gluten from certain grains without paying the price. However, while Celiac disease is unpleasant on its own, it is often associated with other health problems – because it’s an autoimmune disorder, you’re more […]
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Osteoarthritis is actually the most common chronic joint problem, caused in part by wear and tear that reduces joint cushioning and cartilage, leading to pain and stiffness. It affects roughly 15-million Americans. While there are medications and other treatments as well as lifestyle changes to address the symptoms, there are also dietary changes that can […]
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Arthritis is a painful, often debilitating disease that can cause swelling, stiffness and pain of the joints that can limit movement. However, within the millions of cases of arthritis in the U.S., there are many subcategories that are a little bit different. However, the two main types of the disease are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. […]
3 min read
Water makes up about 60-percent of your body, so why is it when we need to fix an ailment we automatically reach for an artificial cream or some other commercial remedy? Water is essential to life, as it is to maintain life and help us repair ourselves. It doesn’t have to be consumed to reap […]
3 min read
Arthritis is an all too common problem that can prevent sufferers from living the lives they want. Taking advice from the wrong sources can lead to frustration and could even put your health in danger. Be sure to look out for these dangerous myths about arthritis when seeking treatment.
4 min read