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Anxiety and Sleep

Trouble Sleeping? Try These Simple Stretches and Habits Before Bed
By Olivia DiPede Your Health

Trouble Sleeping? Try These Simple Stretches and Habits Before Bed

Are you having trouble sleeping? Stretching may be your solution. This simple act has been proven to improve quality of sleep and help you fall asleep quicker. Follow along for some stretches and habits you should practice before bed to improve your sleep.

Read More about Trouble Sleeping? Try These Simple Stretches and Habits Before Bed

6 min read

Weighted Blankets To Help With Anxiety
By Katherine George General Health

Weighted Blankets To Help With Anxiety

Weighted blankets work by stimulating deep pressure touch (DPT), a well known therapeutic technique to relieve stress. The weight provides a hugging sensation which works to calm and settle the nervous system. It has many different benefits, such as reduce anxiety, improve mood, and lessen pain. Here are the top weighted blankets to help with anxiety. 

Read More about Weighted Blankets To Help With Anxiety

8 min read