Arthritis Diet: Worst Foods to Eat
Although the causes and symptoms of arthritis can vary, inflammation is a common issue among all types, which can unfortunately be made worse by eating the following 7 trigger foods.
6 min read
Although the causes and symptoms of arthritis can vary, inflammation is a common issue among all types, which can unfortunately be made worse by eating the following 7 trigger foods.
6 min read
Peptic ulcers are a common issue, affecting approximately 1 in 10 people in Western countries at some point in their lives. But what is it that causes peptic ulcers to occur in the first place? Let’s find out!
3 min read
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach acid flows backward from the stomach into the esophagus, causing problems, such as heartburn. Here are 7 risk factors you should know.
4 min read
While there are medications available to help treat GERD, long-term use of them can lead to a wide variety of side effects and risks. As such, many people choose to alleviate their symptoms by removing certain trigger foods from their diet—including these eight.
4 min read
Unfortunately, the cause of epilepsy is rarely known. There are, however, a number of risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing it, such as these seven.
3 min read
The symptoms of this disease vary widely, though metabolic syndrome patients do tend to have more weight around the abdomen than the average person. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the impact of metabolic syndrome; for example, one can make a serious difference in their health by simply avoiding certain foods, including these 6.
4 min read