Ways to Know if Your Cat Is in Pain
Cats know how to hide their pain really well but as owners, it’s our job to keep a watchful eye on our kitty’s health. Here are 11 ways to know your cat is in pain.
7 min read
Cats know how to hide their pain really well but as owners, it’s our job to keep a watchful eye on our kitty’s health. Here are 11 ways to know your cat is in pain.
7 min read
While movies and TV shows often portray psychopaths as villains, not all are so blatantly evil in nature; most display psychopathic characteristics on a much subtler level. So subtle, in fact, that these individuals can be quite hard to detect—you may even be friends with or work alongside one. Although the terms ‘psychopath’ and ‘sociopath’ […]
6 min read
If your kid is lashing out, it doesn’t make them a bad child. It probably just means they are probably vying for attention, or there’s another underlying problem that’s driving their behavior. However, instead of harshly punishing your child (which can make the problem worse), there are other approaches that can help calm them down […]
4 min read
Psychological trauma can be caused by exposure to traumatic events such as violence and abuse, vehicle accidents, natural disasters and war, but also really any event that leaves a person feeling overwhelmed and alone can be considered traumatic. We’re taking a closer look at some of the symptoms of psychological trauma.
3 min read