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Babies Don’t Come With Instruction Manuals, So Here are 5 Tips for Picking a Parenting Book
By Denise Bodman and Bethany Bustamante Van Vleet Your Health

Babies Don’t Come With Instruction Manuals, So Here are 5 Tips for Picking a Parenting Book

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals. Children are at once joyful, sad, confusing, predictable, generous, selfish, gentle and mean. What’s a parent to do when faced with such perplexing offspring? Given the complex interactions of parent, child and surroundings, parents often feel lost. Many may seek answers in parenting books. Parenting books are big business, […]

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5 min read

You’ve Likely Heard of the Brain’s Gray Matter – Here’s Why the White Matter is Important Too
By Christopher M. Filley Your Health

You’ve Likely Heard of the Brain’s Gray Matter – Here’s Why the White Matter is Important Too

Who has not contemplated how a memory is formed, a sentence generated, a sunset appreciated, a creative act performed or a heinous crime committed? The human brain is a three-pound organ that remains largely an enigma. But most people have heard of the brain’s gray matter, which is needed for cognitive functions such as learning, […]

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5 min read

Cardiac Rehab for Heart Patients Saves Lives and Money, So Why Isn’t It Used More?
By Sherry L. Grace Your Health

Cardiac Rehab for Heart Patients Saves Lives and Money, So Why Isn’t It Used More?

Despite all the attention on COVID-19, heart disease remains one of the biggest health threats. Indeed, many people have not taken care of their heart health during the pandemic, and are experiencing reduced quality of life because of it. If you’re reading this from the sofa with a bag of potato chips, this may include […]

Read More about Cardiac Rehab for Heart Patients Saves Lives and Money, So Why Isn’t It Used More?

5 min read

CBT? DBT? Psychodynamic? What Type of Therapy is Right for Me?
By Sourav Sengupta Your Health

CBT? DBT? Psychodynamic? What Type of Therapy is Right for Me?

Since ancient times, cultures across the world have understood that human suffering can have psychological causes. At its core, psychotherapy is working with another person to help identify and address emotional challenges that matter to you. It involves trying to understand the source of those problems and coming up with ways to tackle them head […]

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7 min read

What Are PFAS, And Why is the EPA Warning About Them in Drinking Water? An Environmental Health Scientist Explains
By Kathryn Crawford Your Health

What Are PFAS, And Why is the EPA Warning About Them in Drinking Water? An Environmental Health Scientist Explains

“PFAS? What’s PFAS?” You may be hearing that term in the news as the federal government considers new rules and guidelines for the chemicals. Even if the acronym is new to you, you’re probably already familiar with what PFAS do. That’s because they’re found in everything from nonstick cookware to carpets to ski wax. PFAS […]

Read More about What Are PFAS, And Why is the EPA Warning About Them in Drinking Water? An Environmental Health Scientist Explains

5 min read

What’s Cellulitis? A Dermatologist Explains
By Marjorie Montanez-Wiscovich and Arthur Mark Samia Your Health

What’s Cellulitis? A Dermatologist Explains

Your skin usually deflects any bacteria it encounters, protecting you from all sorts of infections. However, when you get a bug bite or a rash, some of that bacteria can sneak in, potentially causing serious consequences. For example, you might develop cellulitis – it’s the most common infection that occurs when bacteria breach the skin […]

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3 min read