How to Identify Common Bug Bites and Stings
While many bug bites and stings are harmless, others may require immediate medical care. Here’s what to look for when identifying common bug bites and stings.
7 min read
While many bug bites and stings are harmless, others may require immediate medical care. Here’s what to look for when identifying common bug bites and stings.
7 min read
“Leaves of three, let it be” is a good motto to follow but as much as we try to avoid it, coming into contact with poison ivy can happen. Here are the telltale signs that you have a poison ivy rash plus how to treat it and ways to prevent it from happening again!
6 min read
To keep your kids from getting sick, you need a sound understanding of how disease spreads. Once you can identify the means of transmission, you can reduce incidences of passing bugs back and forth.
6 min read
Rather than dealing with illness, wouldn’t it be great to avoid getting sick all together? You can be proactive in the fight against flu by boosting your immune system all year round! We’ve compiled a list of 10 natural ways to strengthen your immune system.
6 min read
Your child may be especially susceptible to certain ailments if they’re going to class for the first time, as their immune system needs some conditioning to recognize certain triggers. In any case, here are seven ailments to look for now that junior has returned to class!
4 min read