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10 opções de tratamento para quem sofre de tendinite
By ActiveBeat Português Tratamento & Prevenção

10 opções de tratamento para quem sofre de tendinite

A tendinite é um tipo de lesão que ocorre com o uso excessivo. Ocorre quando um tendão, o cordão grosso que liga o osso ao músculo, fica inflamado ou irritado devido a um impacto ou lesão. O dano ocorre quando o corpo não consegue reconstruir o tendão com repouso adequado. Como a tendinite é mais […]

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10 opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con tendinitis
By ActiveBeat Español Tratamiento & Prevención

10 opciones de tratamiento para pacientes con tendinitis

La tendinitis es un tipo de lesión que ocurre con el uso excesivo. Se produce cuando un tendón, el cordón grueso que une el hueso al músculo, se inflama o irrita debido a un impacto o lesión. El daño ocurre cuando el cuerpo no puede reconstruir el tendón con un descanso adecuado. Debido a que […]

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Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options of Tendinitis
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options of Tendinitis

You might already know tendinitis by some of its nicknames, which refer to places in the body where it commonly pops up. These include tennis elbow or jumper’s knee. However, tendinitis is not limited to certain places – as it can happen in any tendon. Here’s everything to know about tendinitis.

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10 Treatment Options For Tendonitis Sufferers
By Emily Lockhart Your Health

10 Treatment Options For Tendonitis Sufferers

Tendinitis is a type of injury that occurs with overuse. It results when a tendon, the thick cord that attaches the bone to the muscle, becomes inflammation or irritated due to an impact or injury. The damage occurs when the body is unable to rebuild the tendon with adequate rest. Because tendonitis is most caused […]

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