15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Help Your Joints
Are you suffering from achy joints? These 15 anti-inflammatory foods may be able to help!
8 min read
Are you suffering from achy joints? These 15 anti-inflammatory foods may be able to help!
8 min read
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to safeguard against foreign bacteria, viruses, and infection. When it senses a threat, the body will trigger the release of chemicals and white blood cells (our body’s germ fighters). Avoiding these 15 foods may greatly reduce and soothe the inflammatory response.
8 min read
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory disorder of the muscles and joints that typically afflicts those over the age of 65. We look into the common signs and symptoms of PMR.
3 min read
Our bodies become inflamed when the immune system jumps to action. If you suffer an ankle injury; your immune will trigger an inflammatory response (or inflammatory cascade) by sending out white blood cells to take care of the damage—for instance, your ankle will swell, be hot to the touch, appear redness, and feel tender—which all […]
4 min read