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Reasons Why You’re Not Too Busy to Exercise

3 min read

By Emily Lockhart

When you make a list of every single factor in your life that prevents you from regular exercise that list can be painfully long. Regardless of struggling to find the time to work out—regular physical activity is vital for long-term health and wellness.

So throw out that list of excuses and find time for exercise using these six time management tips…

Make a Schedule and Commit to It

It’s easy to blow off an end of the day workout if you don’t actually give it priority on your weekly calendar. Work, social obligations, family responsibilities, and other appointments that you actually do schedule are bound to take priority.

It’s surprising how much more important a workout is when you place it on your calendar. Set an alarm that goes off to remind yourself to clock out at work and give some priority to your health and wellbeing…it’s worth it.

Focus on Convenience

If you plan to workout outside of your home—at a gym or recreational facility—you can easily use distance as an excuse. Instead, choose a form of exercise that requires little travel and preparation.

You can even do your workout in your own living room. Or take to your neighborhood for a speed walk or run. You don’t need to travel far from home and invest in a boatload of equipment to get a workout. When I’m short on time, I employ a skipping rope, an exercise ball, and gravity and do interval training right in my own home.

Something is Better Than Nothing

We all have days when life just gets in the way of everything else—including our regularly scheduled workout. Overtime, sick kids, family emergencies, they can all stop our workouts short or prevent them from happening at all.

However, instead of throwing in the towel on exercise altogether, sneak in little intervals of exercise throughout your day. Take a brisk walk at lunch, take the stairs instead of the elevator, use your 20-minute coffee break to stretch and do some light body weight exercises. Something, after all, is better than no physical activity at all.

Track Your Progress for Success

Oftentimes, if you don’t keep record of your successes—you won’t acknowledge them at all. That’s why when it comes to exercise, tracking your progress will keep you engaged and motivated.

Use one of many workout apps or do it the old fashioned way, and keep notes on your workouts in a blank journal or on a calendar. Measuring your progress (i.e., hours worked out, calories burned, etc.) can help you to stay on track and foster the development of healthy habits.

Get Competitive

Folks that enjoy a bit of competitiveness can tap into their self-drive to succeed by enlisting in various marathons, runs, walks, and organized competitive sports in order to stay active. The desire to stay competitive is beneficial if it keeps you active in team and recreational sports.

Guaranteed you can find intermediate, elite, and beginner sports and rec leagues in your community. Or rally your coworkers for seasonal sports—hockey or curling in the winter, and ultimate Frisbee and volleyball in the warmer months.

Make Exercise Enjoyable

In life as in exercise you are most willing to repeat an activity or hobby if it’s enjoyable. So why in the heck would you force yourself to cycle if you hated riding a bike? Instead, choose an activity that you actually enjoy…no, have fun doing.

If you like to dance, Zumba or ballroom dancing may be the workout for you. If you enjoy a low key workout, explore the many forms of yoga to find one that fits your schedule, fitness goals, and personality. And don’t be shy to try various forms of physical fitness. You will find a style that you actually look forward to every week.

Emily Lockhart


Emily Lockhart is a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer. She believes that being healthy is a lifestyle choice, not a punishment or temporary fix to attain a desired fitness or body image goal. Anna helps her clients take responsibility for their own health and wellness through her classes and articles on ActiveBeat.

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